Thursday, August 29, 2019

Beaty's September 3-6

I am getting an early start on next week because I will be in Charlotte visiting my grandson this weekend (insert praise hands).

Concerns: Each day we have a bell ringer. Students are to enter the room quietly, sit down and begin working. The bell ringers for the week go on the same sheet of paper, so, by Friday, there are 5 brief activities on 1 sheet of paper. Last week, many students did not turn one in, but when I asked them where they were, they produced them. (My question is why didn't they turn them in when I asked for them? Not listening? Not paying attention? Went home and did them hoping to turn them in late?) Other students wrote the assignments on different sheets of paper and turned only half of the assignments in. From now on, students follow my directions or do not receive credit for this very easy assignment.

We are discussing summer reading novels in every class 6th-9th. Can you believe that some students do not bring their novels to class?!?! How will they pass the quizzes, the tests, the writing assignments, etc. without a book?   Please ask your Chief if he/she takes his/her novel to class.

Vocabulary test every Friday 6th-9th grade.

Today we had our first quiz on the summer reading, and we will have another quiz next Thursday in every class.

Patriot's Pen is in October. The theme is "What Makes America Great?" Every student in grades 6th-8th will be required to write this 300-400 word essay. We will work on it in class, but feel free to get involved with your child on contemplating what makes our country so great!

9th grade The Outsiders project is due Tuesday, September 3!

Hope to see you at a JV or varsity football game, a volleyball game, or the Pep Rally Friday!

Go Chiefs!

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