Vocabulary Test Friday (5 words) This is a test grade and should help improve averages! Students will have 8 minutes to take this test. Many keep their test for as long as possible for easier cheating and to keep us from moving on to a new skill.
atone: to make up for
bondage: slavery; any state of being bound or held down
credible: believable
defray: to pay for
diligent: hardworking; not lazy
atone: to make up for
bondage: slavery; any state of being bound or held down
credible: believable
defray: to pay for
diligent: hardworking; not lazy
We will finish Call of the Wild and attend the movie, March 11. Please send $3 for the book.
I do not give "extra credit." I have always been known as a fairly easy teacher, so I have never really needed to give extra credit. I am giving a poem for those who are interested in improving averages. It must be said orally to me, Wednesday, March 4, between 7:15-8:00 a.m. or 3:00-3:30 p.m. ONLY. If the poem is recited correctly, 15 points will be added to the lowest test grade.
The Ship That Sails
I'd rather be the ship that sails
And rides the billows wild and free;
Than to be the ship that always fails
To leave its port and go to sea.
I'd rather feel the sting of strife,
Where gales are born and tempests roar;
Than to settle down to useless life
And rot in dry dock on the shore.
I'd rather fight some mighty wave
With honor in supreme command;
And fill at last a well-earned grave,
Than die in ease upon the sand.
I'd rather drive where sea storms blow,
And be the ship that always failed
To make the ports where it would go,
Than be the ship that never sailed.
7th graders will continue to read Black Duck during 7th period.
All make up work must be finished by Friday, March 6! Look in STI to see what your Chief has missed. I have reminded the students several times, so the ball is now in their courts. If not completed by Friday, a zero will be the grade.
English Nine Weeks Tests:Thursday, March 6. The following grammar and reading will be tested: adverbs, subjects, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, literary devices, Call of the Wild, interjections & conjunctions. (We have read several short stories, but they will not be on the test.) 7th grade will also have Black Duck on the exam.