Well, we had class Monday and Tuesday. If your Chief was absent, he/she is responsible for getting the notes and assignments from another student. Try to establish good work ethic in your child by having him/her attend school unless he/she is sick, on an approved trip, involved in a school extracurricular activity or sport, or it's a school holiday. Most teachers continue to teach, have tests, give assignments, and quizzes regardless of how many students are present. I overheard some Upper School students talking this morning about the tragedy of having to come to school today and they were irate that certain teachers were going to give graded assignments. My question is "If it is not a school-wide holiday, why are students entitled to be absent or to check out?" Let's instill important qualities into our children such a good work ethic and following rules.
I can't believe December is upon us, but I am looking forward to the season!
7th grade will be reading the short story "Seventh Grade" and "Thank you, M'am"from our literature book, continuing with our study of verbs, and reviewing vocabulary.
8th grade will be continuing with verbs, reviewing vocabulary, and beginning the novel Black Duck. STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO READ SOME OF THIS NOVEL AT HOME.
6th grade will be continuing the study of verbs, reviewing vocabulary and reading Fever 1793.
Everyone will have a vocabulary test Friday!
Students love to tell me they didn't know about a quiz, assignment, test, etc. That is the purpose of this blog! Tests & quizzes are on the calendar. I also send text messages and notes in Reminder, so parents and students know exactly what is going on in my class.
For many parents, a teacher is the person who either gives their child a good grade or a bad grade, but our job is to teach students the skills they need to be successful in life. However, teachers and parents are partners. We need parents to help us prepare our youth for college and the work force. From now on, I will try to send pictures of your child's tests and quizzes. This will not always be possible, but I will give it my best shot. The purpose is not to show you how great or poor your child is performing, but it is to let your child know that we both care about what he/she is learning and not just about the grade. Please take the time to discuss these tests and quizzes with your child.
Students love to tell me they didn't know about a quiz, assignment, test, etc. That is the purpose of this blog! Tests & quizzes are on the calendar. I also send text messages and notes in Reminder, so parents and students know exactly what is going on in my class.
For many parents, a teacher is the person who either gives their child a good grade or a bad grade, but our job is to teach students the skills they need to be successful in life. However, teachers and parents are partners. We need parents to help us prepare our youth for college and the work force. From now on, I will try to send pictures of your child's tests and quizzes. This will not always be possible, but I will give it my best shot. The purpose is not to show you how great or poor your child is performing, but it is to let your child know that we both care about what he/she is learning and not just about the grade. Please take the time to discuss these tests and quizzes with your child.
Come out and support our basketball teams at home Tuesday night!
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