Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mrs. Beaty's Assignments December 2-5

Well, we had class Monday and Tuesday. If your Chief was absent, he/she is responsible for getting the notes and assignments from another student. Try to establish good work ethic in your child by having him/her attend school unless he/she is sick, on an approved trip, involved in a school extracurricular activity or sport, or it's a school holiday. Most teachers continue to teach, have tests, give assignments, and quizzes regardless of how many students are present. I overheard some Upper School students talking this morning about the tragedy of having to come to school today and they were irate that certain teachers were going to give graded assignments. My question is "If it is not a school-wide holiday, why are students entitled to be absent or to check out?" Let's instill important qualities into our children such a good work ethic and following rules.

I can't believe December is upon us, but I am looking forward to the season! 

7th grade will be reading the short story "Seventh Grade" and "Thank you, M'am"from our literature book, continuing with our study of verbs, and reviewing vocabulary.

8th grade will be continuing with verbs, reviewing vocabulary, and beginning the novel Black Duck. STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO READ SOME OF THIS NOVEL AT HOME. 

6th grade will be continuing the study of verbs, reviewing vocabulary and reading Fever 1793. 

Everyone will have a vocabulary test Friday! 

Students love to tell me they didn't know about a quiz, assignment, test, etc. That is the purpose of this blog! Tests & quizzes are on the calendar. I also send text messages and notes in Reminder, so parents and students know exactly what is going on in my class.

For many parents, a teacher is the person who either gives their child a good grade or a bad grade, but our job is to teach students the skills they need to be successful in life. However, teachers and parents are partners. We need parents to help us prepare our youth for college and the work force. From now on, I will try to send pictures of your child's tests and quizzes. This will not always be possible, but I will give it my best shot. The purpose is not to show you how great or poor your child is performing, but it is to let your child know that we both care about what he/she is learning and not just about the grade. Please take the time to discuss these tests and quizzes with your child. 

Come out and support our basketball teams at home Tuesday night!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mrs. Teresa week of 9/25

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am thankful I get to do life with your wonderful children. Thank you for sharing them with me!!!!

This week we will go over the test we took Friday, 11/22, and retest on Tuesday. This test is over lessons 1-30. Your child has notes over the specific lessons.

Mrs. Beaty November 25-26

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am very thankful for The Lakeside School. We have an incredible headmaster & administrators, dedicated teachers, and precious students. I feel blessed to have supportive parents and an efficient Board of Directors.

Image result for thanksgiving

We will continue studying verbs this week.and 7th & 8th grades will have a quiz Tuesday.


6th grade should have read through chapters 18 in Fever 1793. Projects are due Monday! The projects are so fun!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Science News November 19-26

Science fair topics are due Dec. 2. Please refer to the sheet your student brought home for details or look for the Science Fair blog post from Oct 31.

6th gr

We are finishing up Chapter 8 this week. Our test will cover chapters 7 and 8. The students have a study guide for chapter 7 and are writing down a few things from Chapter 8 they need to know.

The Chapter 7-8 test will be on Thursday, Nov. 21.

7th gr

Seventh grade is learning origin of life theories. As we discuss evidences for evolution from the text book, we are comparing them to commonly held beliefs about creation. The students will be writing an essay explaining what they believe concerning six different concepts. I have encouraged them to talk with their family about what they believe.
We will be writing sentences about each concept during the week and putting them all together by Friday. The essays will be turned in for a test grade on Monday, Nov. 25. I will not grade them for views expressed, instead I will be looking to see that all six concepts were covered. I encourage you to look at what they write and give them some input.

8th gr

The test for Chapter 7 has been rescheduled twice. I apologize for that. The students have a study guide they received last week for the chapter. In addition, they have notes from a video we watched and chemical equation balancing sheets.

The test will for chapter 7 will be on Thur., Nov. 21.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Computer Science - Ms. Mitchell - November 18 - 26

We will wrap up our unit on newsletters using MS Word this week.  We are completing our last newsletter (pet adoption) which will count as a quiz grade. All students should be able to finish it in class Monday. All grades will have a written test on Wednesday and should have notes to study.  We will begin working in PowerPoint on Wednesday following the test.  

Mrs. Johnston's News and Assignments for Nov. 18- 26

This blog includes the information for November 25 and 26  as well as Nov. 18-22.

6th Grade--Students should recite the Preamble to the Constitution for a test grade on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Chapter 11 Less 3 and 4 test will be on Friday, November 22 during 7th period.

7th Grade--Students will complete an in class project on Congressional leadership. It must be finished by end of class on Tuesday, November 26.

8th Grade--Students will have a test on Wednesday, November 20 on Chapter 2 Lessons 3 and 4. They have been writing a teacher directed essay on Judaism. The final copy of it (typed at school in keyboarding) is due by Wednesday, November 20.

9th Grade--Renaissance--Learning artists and famous paintings for a test the week after Thanksgiving. Students should be keeping up with their humanities notebook for periodic grading.

Mrs. Beaty's Assignments Nov 18-22

6th, 7th, & 8th graders will be working with pronouns again this week. Test is scheduled for Tuesday. We will then begin looking at verbs as a review.

6th grade Fever 1793 projects are due Thursday!

Everyone will have a vocabulary test Friday. This week it will be 10 words: last week's and this week's words!

6th graders at home reading assignments for Fever 1793: have chapters 16 & 17 read by Thursday and chapter 18 read by next Tuesday (26) It is possible to have a pop quiz any Tuesday or Thursday on the reading assignments. 

If you have not sent money for the 6th field trip, please do so.

8th graders will be eating lunch at El Jalisco, Wednesday, November 20.

Basketball games this week at home: Monday, Macon East; Tuesday, Lee Scott; Saturday, Quitman County

Spirit Cards are still available

See the school social media page for details about a cake & sweet auction sponsored by the Juniors!

Have a grateful week!

Image result for grateful

Sunday, November 17, 2019

D. Ray

6th grade-- Saxon Lessons 39-42
7th grade---Saxon lessons 33-35
8th grade ---Saxon Lessons 30-31  Equation Practice
Quiz  Wednesday   Test Friday
**Projects due in December!
^6th grade Current Events Class field trip to WRBL in Columbus Nov. 26. Please send forms back to me.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mrs. Teresa week of 11/18

This week we will finish lessons 29 and 30 on Monday and Tuesday. We will review for Test 6 which is over lessons 1-30 on Wednesday and will test Thursday. We will complete and Investigation on Friday. You student will come home with notes on Wednesday over the specific lessons that will be on the test. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mrs. Johnston's News and Assignments for November 11-15

6th Grade--Finishing the AR book projects...story quilts. Finishing Chapter 11 Lesson 3 and 4 for test early next week.

7th Grade--Chapter 8 Test on Friday, November 15. Students need to study each night and we will review in class.

8th Grade--Writing an essay about Judaism instead of a test. Will type in keyboarding.

9th Humanities---Renaissance

Friday, November 8, 2019

D. Ray    11/12-15

Saxon 6th grade   Lessons 37-39
Test will be on Tuesday due to Veteran's Day Program on Friday

Saxon 7th Grade  Investigation  2 and 3  Lessons 32-33

Saxon  8th Grade Lesson 28- 31

Quiz on Wednesday   Test on Friday

Beaty's Assignments November 11-14

Happy Veteran's Day!

6th, 7th, & 8th grades will be studying pronouns this week and will have a test Friday! Grammar is like a puzzle: You must have all of the pieces for it to fit correctly. Students will be memorizing for this test!

6th, 7th & 8th will also have a vocab quiz Friday. 6th grade has 5 words, but 7th & 8th will have 10 words: 5 from last week & 5 for this week! These should be easy 100's, but many students fail them!

6th graders are reading Fever 1793 and will have out of class readings: Tuesday, November 12, read through ch 10; Thursday, November 14, read through chapter 12!


Students are leaving binders, notes, vocabulary words, lunch boxes, etc., in my classroom. What if I start charging rent for the use of my room? Being responsible is a huge part of learning! Let's work together to teach accountability to our kids!

I am having major problems with students writing on desks! Are we Rednecks or what??? Please speak to your Chief about destruction of property!

Juniors are still selling Spirit Cards for $10. Send your money to me or the office.

The Junior Class is sponsoring an online cake auction. Please follow our school social media for more details.

I still need $1 from everyone who attended the short story plays!!!

Please send $13 for the 6th grade field trip!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Teresa Week of 11-11

This week we will revisit the Pythagorean Theorem/Investigation 2 and cover lessons 26-28.
Our next test is tentatively scheduled for Thursday November 21st. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A. Mitchell - Computer Science - November 4

All grades are working on creating a two-column newsletter in MS Word.  Students are learning to use WordArt, insert graphics, work in columns. and create tables.  There will be one practice activity submitted for a quiz grade (40% category) Friday.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Mrs. Teresa week of 11-4

This week we will finish lessons 24 and 25. Our test will be Thursday 11-7 over lessons 1-25. I will give more specific notes to your student on Wednesday when we review.

Mrs. Johnston's News and Assignments for Nov. 4-8

The deposit of $315 and the 2 forms for the middle school trip are due by Friday, November 8. If your student is not traveling with us, please indicate on the form and return to school.

On Friday, November 8, there will be a Veterans Day program and flag disposal ceremony for students and their families. If a sibling or parent of a student is currently serving or has served in one of the military branches, please fill out the form sent through email and return to school by Wednesday, November 6. Students have been asked to wear red, white, and blue.

6th Grade--Chapter 11 Lessons 3 and 4. Students need a non-neon colored poster board by Wednesday, November 6 to complete the AR book project.

7th Grade--Chapter 8 Legislative branch. Please encourage and assist your student in watching the news about the impeachment inquiry and articles.

8th Grade--Chapter 2 Section 3 Judaism.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mrs. Beaty's Assignments November 4-8

Image result for veterans day

We will have a Veteran's Day assembly Friday and will have a holiday on the 11th. Thankful and grateful for all of you who have served!

6th,7th, & 8th  graders are reviewing the 8 parts of speech. We will have a test on nouns and Friday along with our 5 vocabulary word quiz. 6th graders have an 11 word vocab test. 

6th graders should continue reading for AR. They must read 2 books this 9 weeks. We are reading Fever 1793 during our time in 7th period.

We had a great time on the field trip to the Davis Theatre! If you have not given an extra $1 for gas, please do so ASAP!

The 6th grade will be attending Cinderella in Columbus, December 11, 9:00 a.m.  We will leave at 7:30 a.m. Please send your $13 ASAP. Drivers include buses-Kim Beaty & Amy Watson; Cars-Kristy Hays, Nicole Moeller, Kim Clements, Gina Nixon, & Kim Giles