This is the handout that will go home with the students Friday, Nov. 1, 2020
Science Fair
The local science fair will be Wednesday, January 15,2020. Projects and everything needed for display will be due January 13. Students will receive a test grade for this project. It will count as a test grade in the 3rd nine weeks. Projects that are late and are not present at the competition will result in a zero (NO exceptions).
1. ALL students in grades 6-9th are required to enter the local school science fair competition.
2. The topic for the project and a one paragraph description is DUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, at the beginning of science class. The paragraph MUST be typed and consist of a description of the question to be answered, hypothesis and experiments that will be used to prove/disprove the question. DO NOT begin work on your project until you have approval from me.
3. There will be two basic categories in three grade divisions (5-6 gr, 7-8 gr, 9-12 gr):
a..Biological Science- including Botany, Zoology, Health and medicine, Microbiology and Protist, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Taxonomy, and Bio-chemistry.
b. Physical Science- including Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Earth and Space Sciences, Computer Science and Bio-chemistry.
Note: at least 40% of the class must participate in each category. If there is more than 60% of the class that want to participate in one of the two categories, some will be re-assigned on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, it is in your best interest to submit your topic as soon as possible.
4. Students may not reuse projects that they or other students have used in the past (all projects must start from scratch).
5. All entries must be an experiment. NO DEMONSTRATIONS or DISPLAYS of known scientific information will be allowed to compete. You must try to prove something.
6. The science fair project will be completed at home. Adult help may be needed and is allowed for part of some projects.
7. There will be 3 winners in each of the two categories listed above. If you are a winner and all assignments were turned in on time, you are guaranteed a grade of at least 95. The winners will compete in the district competition January 23, 2020. District winners will compete in the state competition, January 31, 2020.
8. Projects will be evaluated in the following manner by the judges and science teacher for your grade.
a. Scientific thought- 50%- includes completeness, theory, analysis, synthesis, cause and effect, reasoning, reporting, and conclusion.
b. Creative ability- 30%- includes originality, ingenuity, individuality, communication, expression.
c. Technical skill- 20%- includes sturdiness, craftsmanship, neatness.
9. Turning in assignments late will have a severe effect on your grade. Complete assignments at least a week in advance to avoid being late for illness and unforeseen circumstances.
10. Scoring from the judges will be part of your grade however, however my evaluation will carry more weight.
11. A one-page abstract must accompany all grade level projects at our local school science fair and district fairs. The abstract is a short, typed summary of the project. The title, hypothesis, methods of testing, findings and conclusion are summarized. Display your abstract in a clear report cover with your project.
12. Size of Display:
36 Inches deep
48 Inches wide
108 Inches high (including table height)
13. Science display boards may be purchased at Wal-Mart.
14. All students are required to provide their own display table.
15. Students are encouraged to make pictures (do not include student’s faces) and create charts and graphs to present data of their findings. Do not display bacteria, water, or any potentially dangerous chemicals, devices or biologicals as part of your project.
16. If you are one of the winners chosen by the judges, you will be required to participate in district competition and state competition, if you will district.
17. More details and specific information may be found on AISA’s website or by using the following link: